SOP of Solvent Recovery Unit Bed change over in Hydrogen Peroxide Plant

In Hydrogen Peroxide Plant, Activated Carbon is used in Solvent Recovery Unit (SRU) bed for adsorbing solvents that go with the off gas of oxidizer because we can’t discharge the solvents to the environment as they are very expensive. There are usually 2 beds. They should be changed over by maintaining the following Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)-
  1. Solvents are adsorbed into one bed for 4 hours.
  2. After 4 hours, line up another bed for adsorption.
  3. Cut off old bed from adsorption.
  4. Start steaming through old bed from top to bottom and collect the solvents from the bottom of old bed. Steaming will run for 3.5 hours.
  5. After 3.5 hours, cut off the steam from old bed.
  6. Cool down the old bed with Nitrogen (N2) from bottom to top. At this time vent line of the old bed must be in open condition.
  7. After half an hour, cut off the N2 from old bed and take it to the service for adsorption.
  8. Follow the steps from 3 to 7 for another bed.